


April 22, 2017 / By EWF

Second Consortium Meeting held at BAE Systems

On April 5th and 6th the project partners gathered together in BAE Systems (UK) for the second Consortium Meeting. Each Work Package leader gave a presentation on the work carried out during the first six months of the project, also discussing the upcoming actions to be implement and the work distribution across the 10-partner group.

Topics on the agenda included the presentation of the results about the process and end-user requirements, discussions on the manufacturing strategy for the additive and subtractive processes as well as the machine design. Partners also focused on the software to be developed, particularly the framework and toolboxes necessary to carry out the hybrid manufacturing. The dissemination, exploitation, standardisation and training aspects were discussed as well, as these are relevant across the entire project duration.

If you are interested in becoming part of the commercial application of the project’s results, please contact us.

LASIMM project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. H2020–FoF-2016-723600 — LASIMM.